Would you survive Dangan Ronpa?

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Dangan Ronpa is a series about a group of super high school level students forced by a sadistic teddy bear named Monokuma to kill each other. Though, if you clicked on this quiz, you probably knew that much, right?

But have you ever wondered just how far you would get if you yourself were a dangan ronpa character? Well, you're lucky I got bored as heck and made this quiz then.

Created by: kuber
  1. First things first, hope or despair?
  2. In a high school life of mutual killing, how you come across is pretty important. How do you think YOU come across to others?
  3. How trusting of others are you?
  4. Do you have a bad habit of putting your own needs before others'?
  5. Would you kill someone if it meant you could graduate Hope's Peak?
  6. So, you hear rumours of a murder attempt and it seems like you're the one getting killed...
  7. Is there anything you would guard with your life (a secret like Mondo or perhaps a cause you are passionate about)?
  8. There are a few common character archetypes across both dangan ronpa serieses. Are you...
  9. Where would you position yourself in a crowded room?
  10. Finally, how would you probably react if you were rightly voted as the murderer in a school trial?

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