Would you Rather Personality Quiz

Do you like fun would-you-rather questions? They are fun, right? Or do you ever wonder what exact words describe your personality? Or maybe even both of the following?

Take this quiz full of 13 would-you-rather questions(and have fun taking them!) to afterward find out which two words best describe your personality. Have fun!

Created by: Corio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. WOULD YOU RATHER: go to Hawaii or to Alaska?
  2. go skydiving or snorkeling?
  3. eat 1,000 hot dogs or eat 750 hamburgers?
  4. wear a weird shirt that your friends had said they hated or have your friend wear a shirt that YOU hated?
  5. have magical powers or superpowers?
  6. swim in a liquid chocolate river or play in marshmallow snow?
  7. be a famous singer or dancer?
  8. make your friends laugh or have your friends make you laugh?
  9. give up candy or T.V.?
  10. have a pet hamster or guinea pig?
  11. Write a book or a song?

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