Would you Rather....#1

Are you like me? Maybe, but probably not. If you score REALLY good, possibly. See, I am the rare species of awesome person and awesome people are so awesome that awesome is more awesome than chickens!

See? That was an example of how my mind is everyday! Think that you can think the same as my awesome mind? Take this quiz and maybe we would rather do the same things!

Created by: LadyRainicorn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Dye from venomous snake bite or giant tiger bite?
  2. Feeling emotional pain or Feeling physical pain?
  3. Lost in a foreign country or Captured in a foreign country?
  4. Punch your friend in the face for no reason or slap a stranger?
  5. Awesome house or Awesome car?
  6. Ride in an old train or old airplane?
  7. Date a drug addict or BE a drug addict?
  8. Have a dog or a cat?
  9. Have an older brother or younger sister? Choose wisely!
  10. Become a cannibal or be eaten by a cannibal?
  11. Comment or Slap me in the face?

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