Would you like to have sex with Lasse?

You know Lasse. Maybe you've seen him on Myspace. But do you reallyyyyy know your feelings about him? Maybe you are ignoring a major atraction? Take this test to find out!

You've never thought about him in a sexual way? Maybe it's time to do so! Take the test to know how you really feel about Lasse maybe it will lead to something good!

Created by: Lasse
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What did you think of Lasse the first time you met him?
  2. What's your relation to Lasse?
  3. What thing about Lasse turns you on the most?
  4. The last time you had a dream with Lasse involved, what did you dream?
  5. If you woke up in a basement and noticed that someone had implanted and RFID chip in your hand, and you where locked up in that basement alone with Lasse: What would you do?
  6. If you could choose between Lasse and Brad Pitt, who would you have sex with?
  7. How often do you think about Lasse in sexual context?
  8. What is your biggest turn-on?
  9. Do you already have a lover?
  10. Have you already have sex with Lasse?

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