Would you date me?? (I'm a streight girl) :3

This quiz is just a bit of fun to see if you could handle dating a girl like me or if I'd be your idea of a complete nightmare girlfriend for you!! :p

Could you be the ideal kinda guy for a girl like me? Take this quiz and find out (just don't take it toooo seriously or get offended if I think you suck)

Created by: Daisy_artist

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would be a good first date?
  2. Are you a mega serious person?
  3. If you liked me would you backpack round the world with me?
  4. Do you like to be creative?
  5. What kinda music do you like?
  6. Are you into to trying new stuff?
  7. What would you like me to wear?
  8. Opinion on makeup on girls like to go out
  9. What's your ideal girl style?
  10. Do you think you are...
  11. If you were a animal what do you think you wuold be?
  12. What's your dream job?
  13. Would you date a redhead?

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