Would you date me? (Girls or some Guys

So amny guys and so many girls. But wait? You want to take a quiz about some random guy to find out if you'd like him? Well guess what! I have provided such a quiz.

Time to best the questions and see if you have a dream guy somewhere on this earth! Be the best! Win the challenge! And also, answer a few questions along the way...

Created by: NinjaGaming0
  1. So, first of all, how are you today?
  2. Anyways, now to the questions. Which word best describes the guy you like?
  3. What type of stuff does this dream guy do?
  4. Hair/eye color?
  5. How about height?
  6. Do you know what any of these words mean: Dovakhiin,Noob Tube,Kawaii
  7. Describe yourself. Why> Idk, why are you wasting your time not answering the question! Sorry for yelling :)
  8. What personality do you like?
  9. Wow. I didnt know I needed twelve questions..uh..hold on..
  10. Got one! Does your guy keep it a secret relationship, or tell the whole world?

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