would you be able to work at google?

ever wanted to find out if you could work for google, well now with the miracle of internet quizes you can. try out this quiz to see if you could ever work for google

well this quiz basically questions you to see if you are capable of being hired at google. disclaimer: being hired does not mean wont get fired.

Created by: bored person
  1. do you want to work for google?
  2. what does google do?
  3. what does google stand for?
  4. what is 'gmail'?
  5. if you worked for google, how would you spend your time?
  6. do you use google?
  7. which shoe do you put on first?
  8. do you bite you toenails?
  9. have you ever sniffed an animal's bum?
  10. have you ever been dared to do something you regret?
  11. how well do you think you did?

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