Would I wanna date you?

This is for guys only. Unless your bi.Then i guess you could take this. Thsi was only for fun, so please dont feel bad about your results, and please dont be asking to date me.;)

IDK what to put so im gonna copy the first one.This is for guys only. Unless your bi.Then i guess you could take this. Thsi was only for fun, so please dont feel bad about your results, and please dont be asking to date me.;)

Created by: pieiscool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your personality?
  2. How many siblings do you have?
  3. What color eyes do you have?
  4. Whats your dream date?
  5. What color hair do you have?
  6. Are you taking this quiz cuz your bored?
  7. IF i was your girlfriend, would u cheat. (please be honest!)
  8. IF i was your girlfriend, would you be over protective?
  9. Would you ever break my heart? (please be honest!)
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz! comment and rate please! BTW this was only for fun so please dont feel bad if you didnt like the results.

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