would i hang out with you

it pretty much speaks for its self, if i steven howard would hangout with you. just try it and you might like it, who knows maybe you are as cool as me! but more than likely not. no one is as cool as me!

do you have the coolness it takes to hangout with me? take this quiz and find out. if you dont take it jesus wont love you and your feet will stink. and by the way im serious, no one is as cool as me!

Created by: steven howard
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if we were hanging out and i farted what would you do?
  2. what would you do if i punched you in the face?
  3. nut sacks dont belong in butcracks!
  4. do you have huge bewb's
  5. do you watch slasher flick's?
  6. do you like nirvana and the doors?
  7. have you ever cried for no reason?
  8. do you eat vegtables?
  9. when i was a young wart hog
  10. last question.....did you like this quiz

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