would I date you (guys only)

would i date you maby test your luck here!please consider! I might love you test! Please like! have a great time and that lots of a's and v's says have!

would i date you maby test your luck here!please consider! I might love you test! Please like! have a great time and that lots of a's and v's says have!

Created by: kindkittycat
Personality Test
  1. what do u look for in a girl?
  2. are you cool?
  3. are you hot?
  4. Are you nice?
  5. Who would make the first move?
  6. dream date?
  7. Would you kiss me?
  8. are you romantic?
  9. Would you ever cheat on me?
  10. have you ever cheated on a girl?
  11. Would you protect me?

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