would i date you (girls only)

want to get this done its freaking 2:21 am im gonna sleep after this so i can get some slwep tadashi eddie cass he ass anyway baymax spot han solo dies kylo ren luke sjky walker

yeah blag blah bah genius genius genius batman vs superman daddys home mark whalburg will ferrell adam sandler george bush hilary clinton sucks bushes dick obama is a blackracist president

Created by: lilsavagejr

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. which of these do you like the most
  2. how many kids do you want to have
  3. what do you like in a man
  4. do you care about a mans looks
  5. what would you do for a man
  6. how would you like a man to greet you
  7. why do you want to date somebody
  8. why do you want to date somebody
  9. ggffsdhj
  10. catass

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