would i date you(girls only)

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I made this quiz cuz i was bored and after making it i still am, well that was a waist of time oh well. umm there isn't anything important to say so umm. oh and leave a comment or something

well here we go next paragraph and im probably not gonna date anyone from this quiz but maybe idk i mean this was to pass some time and had no pupose what so ever

Created by: maxassassin11

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like emo guys
  2. if another girl flirted with me what would you do?
  3. what color eyes do you have
  4. what type of hair do you like for boys
  5. what are you?
  6. what is your favorite band
  7. are you a tomboy
  8. whats your favorite animal
  9. do people understand you
  10. I ran out of ideas so, are you bored yet

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