Would I date you? BOYS ONLY

This quiz is for boys only. A little about my self I am 5feet and 2 inches, my fave color is pink/neon colors. My favorite animal is a wolf and I love the rock group Shinedown. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I am tall and thin/skinny. And I am 12 years old.

I hope you score well on this quiz and hope you will comment. If you score well you can keep in touch with me by going to quiz forums and go to boy crush love and that is where I am. Thanks again.

Created by: Pinkwolf2304

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hair color
  2. Eye color
  3. Favorite sport
  4. Ideal date
  5. If you saw a girl that you thought was really cute walk in front of you while you were by me what's your reaction
  6. You see a girl push me into a near by lake and then she (the girl) tries to kiss you. What do you do
  7. How old are you
  8. Would you cheat on me
  9. Are you enjoying this quiz
  10. Where do you live
  11. Thanks for taking my quiz
  12. Are you polite

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