Would I Date You? (Boys Only)

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Would I date you? Are you my type? Are you smart? Are you good or bad? Would you cheat on me? Answer these questions by taking this quiz. Remember, everyone is different.

My name is Jewel and I'm 12 right now (It's 12/14/14). I have brown hair, I have a sense of humor, I never failed a grade and I have to admit, being single is a pain sometimes.

Created by: Jewel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a male or female? (Be Honest)
  2. How old are you?
  3. What kind of hair do you have?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. What's your eye color?
  6. What's your race? (I'm not racist)
  7. If you answered African American, are you.....
  8. If you answered Mixed, you are mixed with......
  9. Do you have a sense of humor?
  10. How are your grades?
  11. What is your personality like?
  12. You Are:
  13. If you picked bad, how bad are you?
  14. Did you ever cheat on a girl you were with?
  15. Where do you want our first date to be?
  16. Would you ever cheat on me?
  17. Be honest. Are you a part of the whole Main Chick and Side Chick thing?
  18. Can you play Super Smash Brothers?
  19. Do you watch movies you're not supposed at this age sometimes?
  20. If you were my boyfriend, we were at home alone and you felt "some type of way while being with me" you would...
  21. FINAL QUESTION: If I said "I Love You" first but you didn't love me you would.....

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