Would I date you? (Boys)

There comes a time where you need someone to love in your life. I'm in that time. I just need a good looking man with the capability of making me laugh.

Are YOU that man? Find out by taking this quiz! Good luck and I hope you get me. If you are you are a super lucky man. I hope you enjoy this quiz and see you on the other end!!!!!

Created by: HelloTherePplz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do in your free-time?
  2. What's your favorite food?
  3. What's your personality?
  4. Do you like pets?
  5. We are hanging out together, and I just remembered; my parents don't like you. We are in my house and they will be back soon, what do you do?
  6. What color hair do you have?
  7. What's your favorite pet?
  8. Favorite color?

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