Would I date you? (Boys)

Hello,guys. Do you think you might have what it takes to get me to fall in love/like with you, or perhaps even date me? Or do you want to see if we wouldn't really work out and would be better off friends? Or maybe you're just really bored... Either way, if so, then this is the quiz to take!

Here is some insight on the quiz. There will be some questions asking about things like your type and your take on some things. Remember to think about girls in general, and me, too. Also remember to consider things like what fears I might have when taking this quiz. Good luck and remember to comment your results!

Created by: beamiller1fan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, although it's in the required questions, what is your age?
  2. Which of these things would you get/do for me for my birthday?
  3. If we got engaged, where would you propose at?
  4. Your opinion on girls and makeup:
  5. You're favorite thing to do out of these:
  6. The most intimate thing you've ever done with a girl:
  7. You and relationships:
  8. You think it's cute the most when a girl:
  9. Which is most important to you in a relationship?
  10. What color eyes do you like on a girl out of these?
  11. What natural color hair do you like on a girl out of these?
  12. What height do you like on a girl when compared to yours?
  13. Your ideal kiss:
  14. Before you date someone:
  15. An ideal date:
  16. Which of these things do you like best on a girl?
  17. You like 'em
  18. Do you believe in the sterotype that boys are stronger than girls, and girls are smarter than boys?
  19. Do you want to know that we could possibly date if we met in real life?

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