would i date you?

my name is ashley. im am 14 years old, im from kansas, i am 5`0", i have brown hair and brown eyes, i am kinda chubby but am losing weight. i also cut, but am not looking for attention.

i also like rock and rap music, i am white, i play video games, i like many things most girls wouldnt, i like dogs, i am a party person, i like snakes and spiders

Created by: 3tears
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like the band Hollywood Undead?
  2. gender
  3. how old are you
  4. are you emo or goth
  5. favorite color
  6. reading writing or drawing?
  7. do you wear glasses
  8. do you play sports
  9. are you kind
  10. do you do drugs
  11. do u have piercings
  12. are you very protective

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