Would I date you???

GIRLS ONLY!!!" There are plenty fish in the sea" but are you one that I would date or friend zone. Am I your new boyfriend or your new best friend? Take this quiz to find out.

I have had girlfriends before, but will you be my next girlfriend, or my next new best friend? Do you want to be bf and gf or stay my friend? You can find out by taking this quiz right now. Girls only.

Created by: _miguelruiz10

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a male or female?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is you age?
  4. What is you age?
  5. How would you describe yourself
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. What race are you (not racist just want to know)
  8. I am...
  9. What color are your eyes?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz? (Does NOT affect results)
  11. Do you prefer Android or Apple? (No affect on results)
  12. Do you have an Instagram or Facebook?

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