Would I be ur bf? (Girls only, obviously)

Hey, so u want to see if u can date me? Well, not to brag, but u gotta be pretty sexy to win me over. Let's see if u have what it takes, to have both the looks and the personality.

By the way, my results r completely honest, no sugar coating what-so-ever. So beware for a broken heart, but also don't expect badly. I do have a type, and u might just be it if ur lucky

Created by: Tommy_Boy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color are ur eyes?
  2. Color hair?
  3. Glasses/Braces?
  4. Height?
  5. U Catch a cute boy looking at u from the other side of the room, do u:
  6. Where would u want our first date to be?
  7. Would u consider yourself cute, pretty, beautiful, or ugly?
  8. Play any sports?
  9. How would you describe ur body?
  10. Are you ready to see if I would date u?

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