Will You Survive When An Earthquake Occurs?

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There are many smart people but are you? lets see if you are genius try this quiz dont be shy this is what u can see if you can really survive when an earquake occurs.

are u genius? if you are then try this quiz lets see if you are really but when u are not better luck next time. this quiz is about earthquake if you can survive or not.

Created by: YoWorldian
  1. 1.When A Earthquake Happen What Will You Do?
  2. When An Earthquake Happen What Thing Will You Avoid?
  3. When An Earthquake Occurs Will You Go For Outings?
  4. When An Earthquake Occurs Will You Panic?
  5. When An Earthquake Occurs Where Will You Go?
  6. When An Earthquake Occurs.Will You Make Noises?
  7. When An Earthquake Occurs.will you help anyone?
  8. When an earthquake occurs. Will you pray to god?
  9. When an earthquake occurs will go to safe places like evacuation center?
  10. When an earthquake occurs will u take care of ur own than ur self?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive When An Earthquake Occurs?