will you have a part in armaggedon?

This quiz is the type of quiz that is quiz like, the sort of quiz that you would refer to as a quiz of some sort, maybe even a quizular quizzy thing, they say to me how are you so good and im like i dunno it comes naturally to me i just naturally own

Are you a pokemon master, no? good then you should just about qualify to take this quiz of awesomeness, for all who get good scores in this quiz are initiated to the IOF institute of (ryhmes with maggots)

Created by: rabitshadow
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you hellbent on world destruction?
  2. If you walk into a room a you see an object mark OMFG IM A BOMB
  3. You see an old lady on the floor, shes obviously fallen over, you
  4. you see a cat in your room, it got in through the window, you
  5. your in a room with no doors or windows you figure the only way out is to
  6. in a street fight it is best to know
  7. in the morning the first thing you do is
  8. do you have night vision
  9. your walking down the street when you see a little ghost , who ya gunna call
  10. before going to sleep everynight you
  11. what would your ideal pet be

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Quiz topic: Will I have a part in armaggedon?