will you date me (boys only)

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i will love to have a man that would love me and take care of me and will me funny and nice to others and of cours me so i will get out of my mom so i can live to california

you will find out what will you get but i'm relly bord for today by-7/////

Created by: victoria19784

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
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  2. what color is your hair
  3. what color are your eyes
  4. what color is your skins
  5. what kind of guy are you
  6. what is your age
  7. where do you live
  8. what do you where
  9. how do you get a girl
  10. are you rich

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Quiz topic: Will I date me (boys only)