Will you be Poor or Rich

I wonder if YOU will be Poor or Rich in your future find out by taking a quiz to test if you are ready to know if you will be Poor or Rich you wont know til you take the quiz

Are you poor?do you have no job no a lot of money at all? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Craziest

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Will you go to Collage
  2. Will you get Married
  3. How would you handle if someone was mugging you for millions of dollors
  4. If someone was giving you a job of assassinating someone for 2 Million dollars would you do it.
  5. Will you have Kids
  6. Will you rob stores/banks(and get away with it)
  7. If you had kids would you spoil them
  8. If your friend was a cook and a critict walked in and gave your friend a bad review would you bribe him
  9. if your mom was in the hospital would you pay her bill
  10. Would you ever buy a bugatti

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Quiz topic: Will I be Poor or Rich