Will You Be Justin Biebers Bestfriend, Friend or Hater

There are many people whi think they know jb very well and start day dreaming about him like they will be his friend or bestfriend so lets try who your are to Justin Bieber (my husband ;) ) its awesome...

Are you a true friend of Justin? Will you help him when he needs help? Will you be there first when he's in any problem well lets see it here in this quiz so try your luck here don't be upset abot bad results its okay?

Created by: Justin Trishala
  1. Hey guyzzz its my first quiz so enjoy it but if somethings wrong plz forgive me I just gave it a try so hope you like it.
  2. So first very simple question what is Justin biebers favourite colour.
  3. What is Justin's favourite food item from these?
  4. What is Justin biebers recent dog's name?
  5. What is JB's pet name given by pattie to him?
  6. Which one from this is juju's first tatoo?
  7. On which floor of which hospital was Justin Bieber born.
  8. What was the nane of the girl who was with jb in never let you go video?
  9. What is Justin Bieber?
  10. How was my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Will I Be Justin Biebers Bestfriend, Friend or Hater