Will I Date You? (Boys Only)

Let me tell you something about me I was born at year 1999 so specifically I'm 16. I have small chocolate eyes and pink lips, Black medium length hair and I'm short like really short. Can you even accept me and Oh, I'm also baby faced.

Will I Date You? Wel, I don't know. So why are you reading this anyway? You're taking this quiz right? Come on, try this and give it a shot. I don't bite..really!

Created by: It's a secret

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On our first date..where will you take me?
  2. I'm short..really short..like 4'10. is it ok with you?
  3. You see me with another guy, but you doesn't know that he's my brother. You came near us and says..
  4. I want to break up with you..you'll
  5. Me: *blush* You: ?
  6. I say "I love you.." you'll reply with.
  7. Well, I'm 16 years old and I haven't got my first kiss yet. You want to kiss me but I felt reay uncomfortable What will you do?
  8. Well, my type is
  9. I look very young despite my age
  10. I'm a little weird and also a bookworm

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