why are you taking this quiz

There are many random people out there.Some are tall,some are short,some are famous,and some are not.Nothing to fear,this quiz is here to tell you if you are a random person.

Hey you, yeah you on the other end of the screen!Oh, no need to yell,alright,I want to ask you a question.Come close,closer,ever closer.Okay,I'm going to say this in a really quiet voice so you may not hear me.Are you random?

Created by: Jessica
When Will I Die Test
  1. Hey sup' so what brings you to my domain of randomness?
  2. if you could be any animal what would it bee?
  3. girls rule!
  4. guys rule!
  5. what if I told you this was a girls only quiz?
  6. do you like horror songs?
  8. drvgvwagdcgwqcdgashdhcwqfd CAGEGGHGHGGDEGDAEGHHB
  9. so~ bsdvh bdnkswqd ewmfummhn* background noise* Voice 1: no no please don't take her with you. Voice2: why were you on my computer? and who is her? Voice 1:...
  10. Pewdiepie!

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Quiz topic: Why am I taking this quiz