whould I date you

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I am Lusy I'm under 18 years old I have blond-brown hair with green-blue eyes. I'm concederd smart by my friends and love Movies , games and books (not that much books)

I like people who are smart and know how to handel things good so I hope you do good and plz don't cheat.Remember every one is awesome and I don't juge people

Created by: Lusy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colour is your hair?
  2. What colour is your eyes?
  3. How whould you diskribe yourself
  4. Okay I have blond brown hair with green-blue eyes.What do you think about it?
  5. I come to you and give you a gift that is really weird and you don't know what it means whould you???
  6. What do you do in spair time?
  7. Favoret colour????
  8. Are you singel
  9. Favrout Movie
  10. Cat or dog

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