Who would you be in the zombie world

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Created by: Soulhearts

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You hear a banging on the gate or front door of your house. ( you live alone now )
  2. You turn on the TV to the news and see that a zombies running around in the big cities. What do you do
  3. You try to leave town were you find a girl around your age in trouble.
  4. You save the girl and you both were not bitten, so you take the girl and ....
  5. Say you take her. Along the way you meet and doctor, 2 children ( around 12 ), a chef, sniper, and a smart guy. What do you do
  6. You see about 4000 undead people. You get a closer look and you see they can't bit you.
  7. So you make it out of there live. Without breaking a sweat what do you do
  8. So you make it out of there live. Without breaking a sweat what do you do
  9. You leave the city and get to the source of the zombies. What do you do today
  10. You save the world, and find that you love the first person you saved. What do you do

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