Who Is Your Dragon Ball Z Love?

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Who is your Dragon Ball Z love? Which one do you wish to get?

So, do you know already? No? This quiz is perfect for you then. Take it to see who your Dragon Ball Z love is!

Created by: MidNightMutent

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK, I'll ask two questions, then I'll have the others ask some. Here is one of mine; How long can you sated hearing this: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, ahhhhh.
  2. OK, lets get to the persons. Goku:Hay, do you like Gohon?
  3. Vigeta:Do you like fighting?
  4. Piccolo:... Ugh...
  5. Gohon:Hay do you like to fight others?
  6. Cell:Hi, how do you say hi?
  7. Krillen:Hi'a!
  8. Sooooo
  9. Girl or boy?
  10. Like this quiz?
  11. Not over yet! Pic a face!

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