Who are you most like?

Meep! Hello! This is my new quiz! Find out which of my friends you're most like. I don't think you want to know, come to think of it. Oh well, I'm forcing you to take this quiz, so it's not like you have a choice.

Are you Naomi, my emo buddy? Jade, the diva? Dalia, the crazy freak? Katie, the quiet sweetie? Jon, the got your back dude? or ME! The best person you could get? Find out in a quick and easy... five minutes!

Created by: April
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you grow up, where would you like to live?
  2. Do you lie a lot?
  3. What's your favorite food?
  4. If you were stranded on a dessert island, what would be the one thing you brought with you?
  5. Favorite book?
  6. When someone says "hi" what do you say back?
  7. Favorite song out of these choices?
  8. Your favorite color?
  10. Geez, I keep lying, I really need to break that habit.
  11. Are you Schizophrenic?
  12. Fare thee well (for real this time). TA TA!

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Quiz topic: Who am I most like?