Who are you in a fighting team?

There are many types of fighting styles out there. Most require team skills for a professinal title. These teams are made up, normaly, of a variety of tallents and personallities of people. Most common are the brute( muscle), the brain( Intelectual, planner, strategist), leader, natural( scarily tallented fighter), and the secret or hidden personality member( Appears harmless, black horse of the group). Though there are many more genres, these are the most common.
Who do YOU qualify as in this grouping? I, personaly, was normaly qualified as the natural, though most arn't girls as I am. Trust me, due to my experience, I garentee the results accurate. Though I can't say as much for my spelling! I'm experienced in multple styles such as karate, djuditue, tai quan do, and kung fu. In addition to various weapond. So you can trust the results for at least what you were whwn you began your style. Good luck! I hope you get your wished title.
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