who are u really

are you a loser are you punk what are you you might think you no but till u take this quiz you have no idea.whats a punk you say wow you beter not take this quiz you wouldnt like your answer.go and take the quiz already

do u sit at home all day ,is your favrite thing to do games and tv or do u like to hang out with friends and chill go to shows meet new people find out what kink of person u really are herego take the quiz

Created by: joe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your your normal day like?
  2. what kind of music do u like
  3. do u like who you are?
  4. have u ever died your hair
  5. have you ever gone to a concert
  6. whats your favorite game?
  7. do u have a girl friend?
  8. if you do do one last thing before u died what would it be
  9. why did u do this quiz
  10. wheir your favrite place to hang out

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