Who am I and what am I here for?

there are a lot of people out there that say they know me but don't and I created this quiz tro let people know who I am what I am about and especially what i care about and serious who it opens eyes to what we all should be out there doing

are you someone who loves God and people so much that you would tell them about Jesus and what he did for us and why you are here to help them and the fact that Jesus died for us all and want us to be in Heaven with him forever God bless you

Created by: Tracy
  1. I love God and people.
  2. I want to make God proud and make satan cry
  3. I hate satan and I want to kill his spirit
  4. I love peoples souls and I want to see satan lose them
  5. I love everyone and I had hate prejudice attitudes
  6. I try not to be disobedient to God but sometimes I get rebellious
  7. I ran from ministry once but came back to it 9 years later
  8. I been in ministry since 1997 and have not quit since
  9. I pray for people and I hate it
  10. I counsel people and I hate it

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