Which type of media darling are you?

Everyone has the ability to access the media and be an advocate for their own beliefs. But while some people are camera-ready, others stutter at the very thought of a live interview. Media darlings come in many forms, but they are all essential to the Breast Cancer Fund's efforts to identify and eliminate the environmental causes of breast cancer.

Would you make a great radio guest? Could you influence key constituents with a powerful op-ed? This quiz will help you determine how to best use your personal interests, talents and achievements to garner media attention and help prevent the spread of breast cancer.

Created by: Nicole of Breast Cancer Fund
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I get most of my news and information on current events from...
  2. I have worked in a customer service, retail, receptionist or other setting requiring a lot of interaction with many people...
  3. My favorite subject of study in high school or college was ...
  4. My pet peeves is/are ...
  5. To develop myself professionally or further my career, I am most likely to ...
  6. If I were applying for a job, I would feel most confident
  7. I am best at communicating my passions and beliefs ...
  8. I am interested in working with the Breast Cancer Fund because...
  9. If I had to perform under pressure, I would want to be...
  10. My hobbies and free time usually involve...

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Quiz topic: Which type of media darling am I?