Which Tsunami Character Are You?

Have you read the Tsunami series and ever wondered which character of the group you'd be like? May be Midori, who has no problem taking control, or Len, who considers the world his playplace?

Now you can find out for yourself if you relate to any of the characters. Perhaps the answer will be one you were expecting, or it might come to you as a total surprise. Either way, the question awaits!

Created by: Liesha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The typical question. What's your favorite color?
  2. Of the jobs listed, which do you prefer?
  3. You find yourself in the middle of a forest. What do you do first?
  4. You come across the carcass of a strange creature. It looks like an animal you're familiar with, but it's clearly not that animal. What do you call it?
  5. Your friends have lobbied to run away together and live in the wilderness. Your first concern is . . .
  6. Your view on technology?
  7. How are you with school?
  8. How easy is it to anger you?
  9. How do you handle pressure?
  10. In a group, what would your place in the pecking order be?
  11. What is the most appealing to you?
  12. Favorite TV/Movie genre?
  13. What's your idea of a cool vacation?
  14. What's your favorite kind of music?

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Quiz topic: Which Tsunami Character am I?