Which spongebob character are You?

People lllooovvveee spongebob squarepantts. But maybe your not spongebob. You might be a patrick or a squidward. This quiz will help to tell you which of the lovable characters you are.

Which character are YOU! Are you plankton squidward spongebob or patrick. This great quiz will tell you. If you don't like spongebob then don't take it. Be nice this was my first ever quiz.

Created by: Rachael

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color
  2. what do you like to do on your free time
  3. what is yor favorite food
  4. which is your favorite icon
  5. Deal or no deal
  6. did you think the last question was dumb
  7. what does the letter f in fun stand for
  8. what is the number for pi
  9. Can i have your number
  10. has this quiz been fun

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Quiz topic: Which spongebob character am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Spongebob Quiz category.