Which Sisters Grimm Character Are You?

Which character are YOU! take this quiz to find out! you might be surprised with the results, or you may not be! are you Sabrina, Daphne, Puck, or Mirror?

I wrote this quiz for Sarah, Camille, Tyalar, Nicole, Elena, Aven, Lydia, Rachel, Abby, Katie, Berkley, LT double C, My Family, & SISTERS GRIMM LOVERS

Created by: Cass F
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. People see you as?
  2. Your favorite colors are?
  3. Your clothing style is?
  4. When danger comes...
  5. When it comes to boys...
  6. What you want is?
  7. My favorite characters are...
  8. I think i am most like...
  9. My favorite type of shoes are...
  10. My biggest fear is...

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Quiz topic: Which Sisters Grimm Character am I?