Which Ridgecrest House are you?

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For a DND game we made based on the Harry Potter series. take the quiz to find out which house you'd belong to in the American School of Ridgecrest Academy

For a DND game we made based on the Harry Potter series. take the quiz to find out which house you'd belong to in the American School of Ridgecrest Academy!

Created by: Remington Reynolds
  1. Favorite Color
  2. What house do you want to be a part of?
  3. You rub a lamp and summon a genie it grants you one wish. What is it?
  4. Your friends are stuck and trapped by a Dragon. How would try and save them?
  5. What is your best trait?
  6. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
  7. What is your idea pet?
  8. You face your greatest fear, how do you do it?
  9. A troll attacks a small muggle town. Being in the area you attempt to thwart the troll how do you do it?
  10. What is your Favorite Unforgivable curse?

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Quiz topic: Which Ridgecrest House am I?