Which political ideology are you
The Political Ideologies: 1. Conservatism: A right-wing ideology that believes in limited government, but believe government should get involved in social and economic issues. 2. Liberalism: A left-wing ideology that believes that government is the solution to every problem. 3. Libertarianism: Libertarianism is an ideology that limits government and lets the people decide. 4. Progressivism: Progressivism is an ideology that is in favoring or promoting political or social reform through government action or revelation to prove the lot of majority. 5. Populism: Populism is like libertarianism where it's centre and represents the people, but there are aslo populist who can go either left or right. Centrism: Centrism is an independent and has their own view.
Which ideology you think you are? Take the test and find out. It doesn't matter what you are. it doesn't you're left, right, or centre. Go a head, try.
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