Which Order of the Stick character are you?

Have you ever read the Order of the Stick? Well, they're a kinda awesome bunch of adventurers who seem to spend a lot of their time running into things and commenting on plot points.

Anyway, like I said, they're cool. Take this quiz and find out which one you are in my extremely-limited point of view. Thanks! The quiz site's being mean to me now... Why are they always so mean? Enjoy the freaking quiz, anyway.

Created by: Fiona
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if you loved someone?
  2. Killing is...
  3. What makes you speechless?
  4. You have an hour left to live. You...
  5. Your dog's name would be:
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. Weapon of choice:
  8. What's funny?
  9. An adventure is:
  10. Someone's betrayed you. What do you do?
  11. What's most important?
  12. Clothes are:
  13. This quiz was:
  14. You will do:
  15. Finally, what were you/are you like as a teenager?

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Quiz topic: Which Order of the Stick character am I?