Which one of my school friends are you?

Lots of people in school with lots of different personalties. Which one of my friends are you most like. Here is your chance to find out! Welcome to the school quiz Enjoy the awesome,super,swell quiz!

Are you me- the"floater" Are you Cassie- the so called "emo" Are you liz- another"floater" Are you rebecca or nica- the "smart preps" Find out with the quiz! Enjoy!

Created by: Dani

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what are your favorite stores to shop at?
  2. Your favorite band(s) are...
  3. The subjects I can't stand are...
  4. do you like beach day?
  5. What "label" would you consider yourself.
  6. School's out! What are you going to do now?
  7. Do you watch a lot of "inappropriate" tv?
  8. You just bump into your crush...what do you do?
  9. if you could chose any vocation to take what would you chose?
  10. Final question...what's your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my school friends am I?