Which one of my multiple personalities are you?

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Hello peoples of the internet, Allissa is in da house! xP I got this quiz idea at 1:00 in the morning when I was doing my usual drawing, listening to music, and watching innapropriate cartoons all at the same time. :P You know by now what happens when I get an idea...

Anywho, in case you didn't know this, I have multiple personalities. At least 6 to be exact... it's scary, I know. Some I use more than others. Take this quiz to see which one of my many personalities are like yours.

Created by: Firey_Soul
Personality Test
  1. What color is the best out of these?
  2. Pick an object.
  3. How concerned are you about your grades?
  4. Do you prefer to be alone or with others?
  5. What is your ideal BFF like?
  6. Out of all these, which person would tick you off the most?
  7. Do you cut yourself?
  8. Have you ever considered suicide?
  9. Do you love yourself?
  10. What do you tend to obsess over?
  11. Two of your friends are fighting over something that hardly even matters, what do you do?
  12. You have a major crush on someone. What happens now?
  13. How do you get your anger out when something really upsets you?
  14. Your friend trips and falls in the hallway. What do you do?
  15. You're out shopping with one of your friends... here's the thing; she's super pretty and you're a bit jealous of her. Despite her beauty, she tries on a shirt that doesn't look good at all. What do you tell her?
  16. You really want to go to homecoming but no one asks you to be thier date. What do you do now?
  17. Woah! Hot guy alert! He's walking right by you. What do you find yourself staring at the most?
  18. Out of these, which emoticon do you use the most?
  19. Hey, you look pretty today. :)

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Quiz topic: Which one of my multiple personalities am I?