Which of the Harry Potter threesome are you?

The Harry Potter threesome, are a very famous group of friend, all with good and bad qualities. Many fantasize on either Hermione, Harry or Ron, but perhaps they are mistaken, for their natural role in Harry Potter books.

Who are YOU? Smart Hermione, faithful Ron, or brave Harry? Until now, you could only guess. . . but now you can discover, your role as a wizard/witch!

Created by: Issy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Describe what would be your self acclaimed greatest triumph (or as similar as you can)
  2. Desribe the size of your family.
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What is your favourite subject, in wizard subjects?
  5. What is your favourite spell?
  6. Are you more likely to try too hard in work, and not enjoy your life, or are you more likely to leave it, and not do it well?
  7. Which of the following do you most fit in?
  8. Count to a number between 1 and 100. Is it:
  9. What would your reaction be to the words " i killed a person?"
  10. Who would you prefer to be?

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Quiz topic: Which of the Harry Potter threesome am I?