Which OC are you?

Take quiz and see which OC you really are!!! HeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeBeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHee

This quiz is random. You are a normal non insane person if you acctualy read this intro. HeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHee

Created by: Mle Neco
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are faced with an enemy much stronger than you, what is you reaction?
  2. Schools out!! What now?
  3. Try outs for the academy play are tommorow. Want to try out?
  4. RAMMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. When I say "Look out for that Kunai!", you say.....
  6. I'm not just using up space! These comeing questions are important! I think...
  7. which describes you?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. Would your OC have someone they needed to kill?
  10. Just because you have someone to kill doesn't mean you want to, do you???
  11. Do you like random quizes?
  13. Which is your favorite village?

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Quiz topic: Which OC am I?