which naruto char are u?

I saw no naruto quizzes on here so I made one, so r u naruto, lee, neji or hinata. tnx for opening this quiz up, i made this just cause i was bored and i think its passed (my boredom

try to get naruto i dare u, its impossible, ok maybe not but its still hard, ps anyone who has never seen the naruto abridged series on youtube is at a loss, its hilarious

Created by: eric
  1. when u hear of a fight u..
  2. when u hear news of orochimaru u
  3. sasuke, u think
  4. jiraia, who is he?
  5. akatsuki, who are they?
  6. fave foods?
  7. fighting style?
  8. last question, u like quiz? its my first!
  9. HEH NOT! just fooling wit ya, but for a questions sake who kills jiraia?
  10. ok, seriously last question, in naruto abridged who is sasukes arch nemisis

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