Which MoroccanStar are you? (2)

This is a fun quiz to MoroccanStar forum members. the quiz is simply to determine which one of the 9 members you are. there are only 9 members on the quiz database to be displayed as a result according to your answers, the members are: Mchicha, Iman, Kamar. Lalla_salima, Habrifaqir, Sofia, Keeda, Libyan Pwincess and Masan82, while 4 other members have already been on the quiz 1 ( Jasmin25, Wahiba, High Atlas, Kay-uk). sorry that you are not yet included to the Quiz, due to limitation of 8 options as maximum.

However, you can still have fun taking the test and seeing which one of those members you are almost like according to *Moroccan*, the Quiz submitter. Thank you.

Created by: 039500914

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. After logging on the MoroccanStar forum, and you notice many new posts in all the sections, what is the first section you will click to view the new posts in?
  2. What time of the day you log on the MoroccanStar forum more?
  3. What's the emoticon on MoroccanStar you usually use?
  4. What is your favourite section on MoroccanStar forum?
  5. If you were given $5.000 U.S, and told to spend it at once on one of the purposes below, what would you do with it?
  6. Are you...
  7. Which member of those below annoy you (most), LOL?
  8. What language would you like to learn?
  9. If you could meet ONLY one of the MoroccanStar members below, which one of them you will like to meet..hehe
  10. According to you, the best soccer player in the history is..
  11. Which of those below is the best actress...
  12. If you could bring an old absent member back to be active on MS...

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Quiz topic: Which MoroccanStar am I? (2)