Which Minecraft Mob are you?

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Mobs are living, moving game entities in the game, Minecraft. Generally, mobs are affected by the environment in the same ways as the player: they are subject to physics, and they can be hurt by almost all the same things that harm the player: catching on fire, falling, drowning or suffocating, and of course, being attacked with weapons. However, some types have individual resistances or immunities.

There are people out there who seek to find a piece of identity they never knew about, so they turn to stupid personality quizzes. Many, Many people out there like to play a game called "Minecraft". Hi. My name is Jacob "Wolfey" [insert last name here], and I have been through a lot in my life. I have connected some Mobs from the game into a little quiz you can take. if you are interested in finding out the closest Mob that you have things alike to, why not kills a minute or two by taking this quiz?

Created by: JakeDaWolfKing

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You enter a place you have never been before. What are you thinking?
  2. You enter a competition against another person. You feel confident. What do you say before the game starts?
  3. Someone comes up to you and tells you that your favorite [anything] is horrible and you should kill yourself. What do you do?
  4. Do you like Waffles?
  5. What is the latest version of Minecraft?
  6. You fall in love with this really charming girl. The two of you are very close together in a quiet room. As friendly as she is, she greets you. What is your response. (Keep in mind, this is the first time the two of you have ever spoken to each other)
  7. How low is your intelligence? (be honest)
  8. The girl decides that she likes you a lot. She decided to give you a chance at proving if you are a good lover.) You and her go on your first date. Where do you take her?
  9. She cares about you! She loves you lots. She kisses you on the lips. What is your reaction and how do you feel?
  10. You build a custom castle made of LEGOs, and show it to your friends. One of them destroys the castle, and does not apologize! You cant tell if it was on accident or on purpose. What do you do?
  11. What do you think of the quiz so far?
  12. Your new Girlfriend is charming, beautiful, and super nice. She likes you in a large amount as it seems. Do you love her?
  13. Doesn't matter! The bully from question 3 stole her! You get your hands on a sex tape that they made together. The girl you liked has cheated on you only after the first date. How do you feel?
  14. The quiz is almost over. Just one more question!
  15. What Minecraft Mob do you think you got?
  16. What other Minecraft mob so you think you are?
  17. What other other Minecraft Mob do you think you are?
  18. Your friend invites you to a party. This friend is very popular, so you expect there to be a number of people attending. Do you show up?
  19. Your Teacher/Boss receives an assignment you worked hard on and gives it a horrible grade. You missed hours of playing video games and a party for this. S o much time Wasted. What do you say/do?
  20. Question 16 said that the result question would be the end. Guess what? I lied!
  21. The guy who stole the girl you liked has returned! After he finds you, he shoves you into a toilet and just before he drowns you, he gets bored and decides to touch some breasts. After getting up, how to you react? (on the floor, you see a rope and a rusty dagger)
  22. Have you considered Suicide?
  23. Have you considered Homicide?
  24. What is your favorite Video Game?
  25. Something catches your eye. A charming, pleasant, attractive girl. You somehow know that she is single. Any idea what you want?
  26. She says Hi back(assuming you go up and say hi)/Once again, the girl makes the first move(assuming you do not go up and say hi) You talk for a while, but its mostly quiet. What are you thinking?
  27. What is your favorite Minecraft ore (Other than Diamond)?
  28. What is your weapon of choice?
  29. What do you like about this current Girl?
  30. Which Mob do you want to spawn regularly the most if there could only be one?
  31. What do you think the quiz result will be?
  32. Guess what? The quiz is done. Are you ready for your answer?

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Quiz topic: Which Minecraft Mob am I?