Which Member are u from Guardian Angels?

Guardian Angels are is South African Band but they are indians they have a lot of talent They really want their dream to come true and sometimes it hurts them to They are really scared to enter any competitions in case they loose they all have ups and downs but nothings gonna stop them!

Which Member Are YOU from Guardian Angels? Are You Leressa,Sasha,Kimara or Danielle? They all are really talented and if u want to find out which one u are from guardian angels take this quiz and find out hope u will be happy with your results!

Created by: BelieberSupras6

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Just so make sure you'll know Guardian Angels are not famous their you-tube videos will start in 2016 are u happy?
  2. What nickname do u like the best? Lol they got still nicknames
  3. Who's your Celebrity BF?
  4. Favourite Saying
  5. Who would u like to be?
  6. What's your favourite TV show?
  7. Who's your celebrity crushes?
  8. 3 songs that you love
  9. Your dream names
  10. 2 songs that u sing everytime

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