Which Marilyn Manson Era Did You Like The Most?

SO HERE IS THE QUIZ! Manson's music TOTALLY ROCKS. It's better than Hannah Montana, jonas brothers, selena poop or anything of this annoying music nowadays.

Which era are you? FIND OUT HERE! You will not regret it, i made this quiz with him and the results are 100% correct! SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR AND READING THIS STUPID PARAGRAPH GET GOING!

Created by: fernando
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Honestly, which record that Manson made did you NOT like?
  3. What did you think about Manson singing with stilts the songs:'Kinderfeld', 'Mechanica Animals' and 'The Nobodies'?
  4. Did you like the idea of the rising platform he used to sing live on his Holy Wood (Cruci-fiction in space) and Golden Age of Grotesque (Para-noir) live?
  5. Which song (choose one) do you like the best from this list?
  6. Now, which of these is the WORST from the list? [If you like them all, please choose the least one ;) ]
  7. When do you think he made the best music?
  8. Did you notice that i put 'Marilyn Manson and the Emo Kids'? Do you agree with me?
  9. Which song video he made did you like the most?
  10. What's you favorite drink? (choose best)
  11. What sounds better out of these?
  12. Which sentence of these DO YOU not like?
  13. Final Question. Which era did you thinks was the best?

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