Which Lead Singer Are You?

Have u ever wondered who you were most like in the rock front man world?...This quiz probably won't tell u anything u don't already know about your self, but you IQ might actually drop before you're done.

If you have no clue who any of the people are on my list of possibilities then maybe u need to check them out later... but anyway...Take the quiz and figure it out!!!

Created by: jared

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you like to sing?
  2. How do you see yourself in the "Rockstar" mirror?
  3. If u could name your penis would it be...
  4. What kind of tour bus would you prefer?
  5. What band would you prefer?
  6. Which song would u prefer?
  7. What's Paul Stanley's real name?
  8. Is this dumbest quiz you've ever taken?
  9. Favorite setting for a show?
  10. Favorite clothes for a show?

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Quiz topic: Which Lead Singer am I?